Adults Can Be Role Models
Adults Can Be Sustainability Role Models
“Our children look at the example from grown-ups, and build their future based on that example.”
H. William Clark
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The Monumental Leap of Faith
- For centuries, parents have taught their children to live their life by burning fossil fuel and creating waste that goes into landfill mountains.
- Now, adults 21-90+ years old must create a new example of environmental protection for the younger generation that is based on principles they largely did not learn from their parents and other adults.
- This makes the challenge extremely difficult.
- The best strategy: Each grown-up should educate themselves about the dangers of pollution, until their commitment for environmental protection is very high and their new behavior is consistent.
- They must take a “Leap of Faith”.
Difficulty in Changing Bad Habits
Parents and Relatives
- The tradition of parents passing on their principles, values and skills to their children goes back hundreds of generations.
- A father or mother showing their children how to camp, fish and hunt
- A father or mother showing their children how to cook and maintain a house.
- For many centuries, skills taught to children actually helped them survive.
- Now that dynamic will be repeated. Learning to live a life with zero carbon to atmosphere and zero waste to landfill is now essential to the survival of future generations on the Planet Earth.
- Parents, aunts, uncles, grand-parents can lead by example and make huge changes in how they live their life….. by protecting the environment every day.
- Parents are the best role models, and should take every opportunity to visibly and consistently reduce pollution in daily living… so their children will see the example.
Schools, Teachers and Professors
Sustainability and Faith (Religion)
Church Leaders, Staff and Adults
Government Leaders
Businesses and Business Owner-Leaders
- U.S Department of Health and Human Services, 2020, Healthy Parent-Child Relationships
- Psychology Today, March 26, 2019, Why Is It So Hard to Change Bad Habits?
H. William Clark, born in America, resides in Texas