Climate Change and Viruses

Climate Change and Viruses
“Climate change is contributing to the spread of dangerous viruses and diseases to the human population”.
H. William Clark
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CBS News, April 22, 2020, 5 things to know about climate change and coronavirus with WHO Climate Lead Dr. Campbell-Lendrum

- Air pollution kills 7 million people a year throughout the world. 9 in 10 people round the world are inhaling polluted air.
- But air quality has largely improved due to the coronavirus outbreak. 30% reduction in pollution (many industrial facilities and vehicles are shutdown).
- 70 percent of the world's infectious diseases have come from the natural environment, with many from animal-to-human contact. Damage to the environment makes it more likely these diseases will emerge.
- Climate change didn't cause coronavirus -- but it can help spread future pandemics. Overall environmental damage seems …. to increase the risk of future pandemics.
- Adjusting our diet can be better for both you and the environment. Cows produce methane gas. Vegetarian diet is healthier.
Fox News, Nov. 13, 2019, The Climate Crisis will profoundly affect the health of every child alive today
Medical News Today, April 3, 2020, How might climate change affect the spread of viruses?
Scientific American, April 29, 2020, How a Warming Climate Could Affect the Spread of Diseases Similar to COVID-19

The Washington Post, April 15, 2020, Climate change affects everything - even the coronavirus

Fox News, August 5, 2020, Bill Gates claims pandemic's 'misery' will 'happen regularly' if climate change is not stopped
Climate Change and warming temperatures are increasing the transmission and spread of dangerous viruses in a variety of ways: