Getting Started

Getting Started with this Sustainability Resource
“With only a few hours of time, any person can understand America’s environmental challenges and options for solutions.”
H. William Clark
Note: Communicating this information as news to others is free of charge.5
Follow this link for a printable .PDF version of this information
- This document provides brief instructions for navigating and understanding this Sustainability material.
- What happens next is up to each individual.

Getting Started – The Overview

- Whether you are using a computer, tablet or phone, you should be able to see the navigation bar with 6 web-pages.
- Go to each page in order, and read the content.
- Start with the “Home” page and the “About” page.
- “The Danger” page has information on Air, Water and Solids pollution that may be startling to some.
- Hundreds of credible scientists have been communicating the pollution problem is much worse that most people understand.
- Next, view the “Solutions page” and see titles of the documents with solutions, divided under the Environmental, Social, Economic and Other titles.
- Then go to the “Blog” page and read recent updates.
- If you want to communicate with the author, you can send a message from the “Contact” page.
Linked Documents

- On “The Danger” page, the content of “Climate Change and Viruses” should be understood by everyone.
- Next, go to the “Solutions page” and open the documents in each of the topic boxes.
- Start with the documents under Environmental, then open the documents under Social, Economic and Other.
- Each describes how every American and American family can contribute to environmental protection.
- These documents are about bold, new ideas to improve Sustainability for the United States.
Many people say to themselves:

- “I want to do the right thing for the environment, but I am not sure what to do… or how to do it.”
- This web-site answers those questions.
- The goal is to weave these principles & solutions into your daily life.
- Next: Communicate to school, church and business leaders that environmental protection is important to you and your family…. and advocate real and lasting improvements.